Acta Physica Slovaca vol. 39 , no. 6 (1989)
V. Bezák
The first-passage-time problems with time-varying driving fields
Acta Physica Slovaca vol. 39, no. 6, 337 (1989)
V. Bužek
On the evolution of the squeezed vacuum state of an anharmonic oscillator
Acta Physica Slovaca vol. 39, no. 6, 344 (1989)
V. Bužek. I. Jex
Generalized k-photon coherent states interacting with anharmonic oscillator
Acta Physica Slovaca vol. 39, no. 6, 351 (1989)
A. Grusková
Influence of the Fe to Ba ratio on the formation of hexaferrite by the wet method
Acta Physica Slovaca vol. 39, no. 6, 357 (1989)
A. Mamrillová, V.S. Sarkisyan, S.A. Azaryan, Z.A. Nazaryan
The effect of the inhomogenity on a stress-state of an osotropic body with a circular hole supported by an elastic ring
Acta Physica Slovaca vol. 39, no. 6, 361 (1989)
O. Holá, A. Staško, M. Foldesová
Contribution to EPR studies of transpolyacetylene
Acta Physica Slovaca vol. 39, no. 6, 371 (1989)